Checking all of your warning lights regularly should be a vital part of every motorist’s maintenance regime. Learn more about why warning lights are important below.
Your car dashboard lights are there to let you know how your car is performing. Indicator lights work with advanced technology that will give you a warning when something is wrong. If your engine is malfunctioning, for example, your car’s diagnostic system and sensors will turn on the check engine light.
Each light will pick up a different problem that is present in your car so it’s essential to take note of a dashboard light and tackle repairs before it becomes a costly (or dangerous) problem.
Here are some common dashboard warning lights and problems they indicate:
The check engine light turns on if your car is experiencing engine problems. Engine issues can relate to high engine temperature (overheated engine), fault wires, or even a catalytic converter problem.
Engine problems can cause expensive and irreparable damage if not promptly addressed.
The brake light indicates when there is a problem with your
braking system, such as having low brake fluid. Sometimes it can indicate that your emergency brake is still engaged while driving. It’s important to check your brake pads if this light or your automatic braking system (ABS) as failure can cause serious issues.
Your car’s oil pressure warning light will go off when there are low oil levels, low pressure or if your oil levels are too hot. Oil helps with engine lubrication and not maintaining and checking your oil levels can lead to serious engine damage. If your light goes on, it is time for an immediate oil change.
There are a lot more warnings that your car system will give you when something goes wrong. The best way to properly take care of issues is to have regular maintenance done to prevent damage and to have repair work done as soon as it is needed. The experts at
Professional Auto Repair can help you with maintenance and repair for any issue that your car experiences in its lifetime.
If your warning lights come on, be sure to
contact us or stop by today!