There are various reasons why people experience the common car problems mentioned here. Safety is our first consideration at Professional Automotive Repair, so if you are on the road, do what is necessary to be safe and then request assistance. Let’s discuss the common car issues in more detail.
Are you driving your usual route, and suddenly the car feels like it's pulling to the one side? The three most general causes are uneven air pressure in the tires, improper wheel alignment, or a worn suspension. Your auto mechanic will want answers to the following questions to determine the correct cause.
Your car’s tires keep it connected to the road and your loved ones safe, so keep them in a good condition. Do you see any wear on your vehicle’s tires? It could be due to incorrect tire pressure or wheel alignment, the vehicle’s suspension system, or unbalanced tires.
How can you prevent uneven tire wear?
How do you know your engine is overheating? Steam escapes from under the car hood, the engine temperature gauge is in the red, or a strange smell comes from the engine area. Safety is the first priority when this happens, so stay calm, find a safe place to pull over, and switch off the engine. Contact your auto mechanic or a tow service if you are far from home. What causes the engine to overheat? It might be a cooling system leak, broken water pump, clogged coolant hose, or cooling system leak.
You might not realize you have car problems until you notice your vehicle’s exhaust smoke looks different. If the smoke is light or thin and white, it is mostly water vapor and normal. If the exhaust smoke color changes to blue, gray, black, or a milky white/gray, it is time to take your car for a service. You might have a coolant leak, clogged air filter, oil leak, or malfunctioning fuel injection system, to name a few causes.
All our auto repair technicians are National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certified. If you are experiencing any of these common car problems,
contact our team immediately for a service.